Annual Financial Statements Loans included loans to affiliated companies in the amount of to €4,383 million (2022: €4,244 million), and other loans in the amount of €438 million (2022: €430 million). Total impairments of non-current assets were €179 million (2022: €4,268 million). NOTE 11 Inventories Sep 30, (in millions of €) 2023 2022 Raw materials and supplies 812 762 Work in progress 278 298 Finished products and goods 399 350 Cost of unbilled contracts 937 910 Advance payments made 60 57 Inventories 2,487 2,377 NOTE 12 Receivables and other assets thereof thereof maturities maturities more than more than (in millions of €) Sep 30, 2023 one year Sep 30, 2022 one year Trade receivables 1,762 15 1,657 51 Receivables from affiliated companies 21,630 5,119 26,093 4,345 Other receivables and other assets 1,227 161 1,340 193 thereof from long-term investees 5 − 9 − thereof other assets 1,222 161 1,330 193 Receivables and other assets 24,619 5,295 29,090 4,588 Receivables from affiliated companies resulted primarily from intragroup-financing activities and included trade receivables totaling €15 million (2022: €12 million). NOTE 13 Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets resulted mainly from pension provisions and pension-related assets, from deferred taxes of companies forming part of the Siemens AG tax group, as well as from other provisions and tax loss carryforwards. Deferred taxes from partnerships had an offsetting effect. For the measurement of deferred taxes, a tax rate of 31.33% was applied. Deviating from this, a tax rate of 15.83% was applied for temporary differences related to assets, liabilities and prepaid/deferred items of partnerships. NOTE 14 Active difference resulting from offsetting Sep 30, (in millions of €) 2023 Fair value of designated plan assets 1,011 Settlement amount for offset pension provisions (694) Settlement amount for offset personnel-related provisions (285) Active difference resulting from offsetting 33 Acquisition cost of designated plan assets 939 10