Table of contents Annual Financial Statements 3 1. Income Statement 4 2. Balance Sheet 5 3. Notes to Annual Financial Statements 6 Note 1 Revenue 6 Note 2 Other operating income and expenses 7 Note 3 Income (loss) from investments, net 7 Note 4 Interest income and interest expenses 7 Note 5 Other financial income (expenses), net 8 Note 6 Income taxes 8 Note 7 Other taxes 8 Note 8 Income relating to prior periods 8 Note 9 Expenses relating to prior periods 9 Note 10 Non-current assets 10 Note 11 Inventories 10 Note 12 Receivables and other assets 10 Note 13 Deferred tax assets 10 Note 14 Active difference resulting from offsetting 11 Note 15 Shareholders’ equity 12 Note 16 Provisions for pensions and similar commitments 12 Note 17 Other provisions 13 Note 18 Liabilities 13 Note 19 Material expenses 13 Note 20 Personnel expenses 13 Note 21 Share-based payment 14 Note 22 Shares in investment funds 14 Note 23 Guarantees and other commitments 15 Note 24 Financial payment obligations under lease and rental arrangements 15 Note 25 Other financial obligations 15 Note 26 Derivative financial instruments and valuation units 17 Note 27 Proposal for the appropriation of net income 17 Note 28 Remuneration of the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board 17 Note 29 Declaration of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code 17 Note 30 Subsequent events 18 Note 31 Members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board 20 Note 32 List of subsidiaries and associated companies pursuant to Section 285 no. 11, 11a and 11b of the German Commercial Code